
Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:25:03.667000+00:00

Black Guardian — 08/08/2022 bro me too, everytime an opportunity arises theres always something that goes wrong that makes me unable to catch, for example yesterday there was a party where I saw my cousin and she was wearing low rise jeans that would of definitely showed her crack but then all of a sudden she wanted to leave because she wanted to change her clothes🤦‍♂️ this shit is frustrating

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:25:12.160000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/08/2022 No believe me I’m a pro when it comes to hunting. At least I was before this “curse” lol. Just wasn’t a scenario where I could do that. My gf didn’t even want to be in the mall. We were just going in and out for a pair of flip flops. Occasionally I’ve been able to get back to the car and say I “forgot something” and go back inside where it’s usually too late - but this wasn’t a possibility without her thinking something was up. Most of the time my gf is very focused on me and making sure I don’t look at other women so it’s basically over if she’s with me. Understandably so. My frustration just comes from the fact that I can hunt for 50 hours and catch nothing but with her I see it all the time and I can’t do anything.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:25:19.520000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/08/2022 Well I appreciate that. The woman in the blue shirt was gold. She always wore jeans that couldn’t contain her ass. She was very conscious of people around her though and the store was small and often times not busy at all. Really I’d tried to catch her a few times and failed. I finally used the old - “throw stuff on the ground so she has to clean it up” routine 😂 and had to wait FOREVER. Unfortunately that store closed down right after that catch. Along with Payless - where I was able to catch that really sexy brunette girl finally. The mom with the green shirt was at the same mall. That time I lucked out because I was about to leave after hours of catching nothing BUT I’m always hyper aware of the way clothes fit on a woman. I can tell from a mile away if they’ll be showing crack or not lol. Really I’ve had so many great catches. Thousands of videos and at least hundreds of woman I’ve caught cracks of over many years. I think that’s why I’ve been so depressed with the concept of catching crack these days.. I used to find it wherever I went and now I only find it when I can’t get to it. It’s like I used up all of my luck over the years. Anyway - I’m moving soon and will FINALLY be reunited with my hard drive after Idk how long. I have so many different catches on there I can’t even remember most of them. Unfortunately I lost a lot on an old phone that got broken. But at some point I’ll still have a mother load upload for everyone on here. What unfortunately might be the last of my legacy as a hunter - if things don’t turn around

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:25:26.694000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/09/2022 To be honest with you that catch was so long ago now I barely remember. I believe that she did have glasses. I do remember her being pretty hot. And employees staring me down the whole time 😅 she was weirdly trying to buy a thong for her very young daughter. I assume the little girl saw her wearing it at home and wanted something similar just to be like her mom or something Idk. I’m sure it was harmless. I kept hearing her saying “no this ones not like mommies” etc

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:25:36.626000+00:00

NB — 08/15/2022 Jfc I’ve just walked along well over 2 miles of Valencian beach packed with Spanish chicks, literally not a single crack whatsoever They apparently have the lowest cracks known to man and also yank their bikinis as high as they could go Loads were topless with their tits out, but even the tiniest bit of crack is sacrilege

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:25:52.447000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/18/2022 She was gorgeous and bent so much but this is more or less the best that came out of it. Of course last night I went to Walmart with my gf to get a car battery. Well two separate insanely hot latinas in their late teens had on low rise pants. One was so low I could see the crest of her crack when we walked by her. One latina milf with low rise jeans and one white milf with low rise jeans. There were also teens and moms all over shopping for back to school and I noticed a good amount of low rise. Maybe it’s making a slight come back? I know it’ll never be what it once was but if we’re lucky maybe a resurgence of some sort is on the horizon? Had my gf not been there I would’ve had an absolute field day raking in catches. Target didn’t go as well just now unfortunately. If I have any free time in the next few days maybe I’ll try again. Idk still really discouraged from all of the wasted hours this year. A shame. She was so beautiful.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:26:05.674000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/19/2022 The Walmart near me is a hot spot but I got in trouble hunting there some years back. Only time that’s ever happened but it was enough to push me away. I suppose I’ll try the mall and then pop into Target and Walmart just to see if I get lucky. Good luck to you as well.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:26:15.697000+00:00

Crackawake — 08/21/2022 fml i just experienced the curse of having a gf and crack... so I was at the store and was in the self checkout area with my gf. I happened to look over and then I see a sexy black chick with 2 inches of standing crack hanging out. I saw her just as she was leaving and she even leaned over to throw something away in a small trash bin and even more crack slipped out. she was completely careless and she walked away with 2 inches of her crack out. I was just in shock and all I could do was stare as she walked away... If i was in the store by myself I would have looped around the store as soon as i got there and would have seen the black chick shopping and would have been able to catch her easily. or at least i would have been able to follow her outside and filmed her sexy crack. but with my gf there I was stuck... I try not to even look for crack when im with my gf bc i know it will just haunt me if i cant catch it.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:26:45.444000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/25/2022 Damn that blows. I’m pretty sure I saw the butt crack of quite literally almost every girl I ever knew in middle or high school. I was thinking about that the other night. I can’t go down my friends list on FB and find more than a handful of girls who’s crack I didn’t ever see. I miss those days so much. Seems like a distant dream now.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:27:10.178000+00:00

whoregang — 05/16/2022 Don't you just hate when you're recording a woman showing tons of asscrack and some random bitch tells her to pull her pants up. Like mind your fucking business. Anyways, new video coming soon. This isn't the 1st time it happened. Luckily, nobody knew i was recording or exactly what i was doing with my phone and ipod.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:27:23.434000+00:00

blackman635 — 05/20/2022 Saw this lady at Walmart earlier today. She was wearing jean shorts that kept sagging. Just before they got low to the point of where her butt would show, she would pull them up and put her shirt down afterwards. About 5 min later, I walked through the pet food aisle and I saw her again looking at stuff. As I was about to pass her. She stopped and asked me if I can help her get an item from up top(due to my 6’3” height) and I got them with ease and she thanked me. So I decided to ask if she was single and she said yes, then I proceed to let her know that I think she was cute and if she would like to chat sometime. She says yes blushing and she puts the cat food I got for her down and gives me her number! By the time her back skin showed, she immediately covered and it kept coming down and repeating again. It’s potential for sure. I just got out of a relationship so I’m looking for fun anyways at the moment

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:27:30.475000+00:00

whoregang — 05/21/2022 So, a few weeks ago, i caught this fat ass girl at the mall. Turns out, she works there now. I almost caught her asscrack again, but was too slow. Luckily, i made up a story to get her number so we can go to the movies. Not even tryna date this big booty fat chick. Just wanna get close enough to get some butt crack videos. Wish me luck🤞🤞🤞

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:27:36.681000+00:00

whoregang — 05/24/2022 Nvm, this fat bitch keep making excuses not to link up. "iT's rAiNiNg. i gOt wOrK tOmOrRoW. i'M wItH A fRiEnD. mY bAtTeRy lOw." Stupid fat bitch. 😒 deadass, i can't stand bitches that play games. She said she'd be free TODAY. But made herself other plans. It's so frustrating, cuz the bitches that show the most buttcrack unapologetically are always the least accessible for me. Especially the ones by themselves. This fat bitch asked why i wanted to talk to her, and i simply said it was just some casual shit. I said i like making new friends and she seemed cool (but I'm trying to record more buttcrack). Half the bitches i get numbers from on dating apps get mad when i DON'T text them enough. (They either ugly, weird, or stupid) shit is annoying. AND she still don't know i took videos of her big fat booty when we were laid up together🍑🍑🍑.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:27:47.791000+00:00

jl_20 — 05/29/2022 Every time I go to an Indian restaurant around Bay Area, which mins you there are plenty, there is always an Indian woman around late 20s to late 30s showing asscrack. Seems like Indian women do not care as much while dressing. I have seen plenty of indian chicks at events in US sitting on ground showing 3-4 inches nonchalantly. It seems as if they are aware it’s showing but do not care a rat’s ass to cover it up.Definitely with the influx of high rise, the number has gone down but you will still find enough women wearing mid rise or ill fitting jeans to show their cracks. One of the reasons being, Indians due to their conservative nature do not recycle clothes as often. They will wear those pair of old fashioned jeans till it rips up.

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:28:01.159000+00:00

yourpicnick — 06/28/2022 in my area ( around Holly springs nc) a lot of Indian women show as well. There's been a surge of Indian families coming to my town becasue IBM, SAAS and many other tech companies are in the area. I noticed a lot of those women don't wear belts.... like EVER! I may try going to Indian restaurants and trying my luck. I've seen a lot recently but I've always been with my girl

Story from Discord: 2022-08-27T19:28:07.985000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/18/2022 I’ve really been trying to catch more Indian crack. My gf is Indian and it’s become quite a powerful fetish now lol. I’ve come close to seeing her old roommates crack a few times. I’m hoping as I’m around her cousins more I might catch something. Her sister occasionally wears low rise jeans from what I’ve seen in pictures but they don’t really live close to us.