Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:12:36.519000+00:00


Crackawake — 09/18/2023 9:36 PM – PART1
Anyone ever day dream about crack scenarios? Like Imagine being the manager of a store back in the early 2000s. You could hire mostly females and try to pick out ones with bigger butts that would likely show more crack. You could enforce a dress code of jeans and provide short tshirts that would ride up. You could strategically place security cameras around the store to film your workers and even shoppers. You could make sure to put good stuff lower on the shelves so shoppers would have to squat more. You could basically walk around all day looking at cracks and filming them (if a worker never showed crack you could fire her and try to hire a new girl that would show). If you notice one of your workers is going to show crack you can cause a mess on a lower shelf and then ask her to organize it. Or you can ask her to come help organize something in the back room on the floor. Then I would give raises to the workers that showed the most crack.
iluvcurvygirls — 09/18/2023 11:07 PM
All the time. I barely have regular dreams about them but they pop up every now and then.
Like this one time there was a girl who was in one of my classes senior year and she always wore crop tops so you could see her skin, and she was super thicc too. I took snapshots of her throughout the year when I got a chance and I always wished that she shown her buttcrack. I had a dream where she did and she was wearing low-rise jeans and a crop top so her crack and panties were visible and of course I took pictures. The bad thing about that was it was in a fucking dream but it felt soo real. I never seen a woman’s buttcrack that’s not a family member’s before and I always yearn to see it. If this was the 2000s, it would’ve been much easier but now since everyone wants to wear pants that goes up to their fucking chests I can never see cracks anywhere. Best I can see is back skin.

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