Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:01:34.720000+00:00


whoregang — 03/17/2023 1:19 PM
I’ve said this plenty of times: the only reason this fetish is considered weird is because of what buttcrack represents and is associated with: sloppy, messy, dirty, and ugly, sometimes fat. Women do not wanna be associated with any of those terms because of the negative connotation. (Which is why they hate being called fat/overweight even when they are) It’s also dubbed plumbers crack because the actual job is disgusting and something that most people don’t wanna do. This is why women are so self conscious about showing buttcrack in the 1st place, regardless of body type, body weight, and body conditions.

This is also why they laugh at men who show their buttcrack. “wHeN hE gEt oUt tHe cAr aNd hIs bUtTcRaCk sHoWiNg 🤢🤮🤣”. They don’t respect those men.

The only Women that can get away with showing buttcrack all the time are bad bitches with only fans. Their whole brand is “sexy ass bitch, i got ass and titties”. They are the only ones where people will Universally encourage them to show buttcrack, among other attributes.

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