Story from Discord: 2023-02-24T23:36:10.407000+00:00


Jman — Today at 12:20 AM
Now today something else happened (not as bad as the other one I had on Monday), so it was the last day before break so I decided to skip lessons and go to town to desperately look for buttcrack (didn’t find anything as usual). Well my older brother also goes in on Fridays past the same town and he tells me later on when we’re at home that he saw me entering a shop (he doesn’t tell me immediately but after several hours) and hanging around town (I got very nervous and tried to quickly make up something but I was panicking so much I don’t know if he even believes my excuse) so that means he now knows that I was intentionally skipping class and he’s going to be wondering what I was up to which sucks because I try extremely hard to keep this shit away from my family, and now he’s going to have that at the back of his mind and it’s just awkward and annoying af. Idk why it had to the exact time I enter the store that he happens sees me, it just pisses me off and I wish I knew what time he finishes so I could’ve worked my schedule prior to avoid him seeing me. I try to be secretive and elusive but I guess I failed. Just hopefully he doesn’t tell my parents because it’s going to be even and they’re definitely not going to let that go or slide and I definitely don’t want them knowing anything about this

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