Story from Discord: 2022-12-30T02:10:09.475000+00:00


Dr0gan — 12/10/2022 8:13 PM
I’m so pissed man I just got my first opportunity in 5 months. I’m at work and it was an older white lady who looks about 5’11 and with the way her pants looked with her hips I could tell it was about to pop out. when I first saw her squat I immediately saw 3 inches and she stayed bending over for a while. I tried not to look suspicious so I walked up and down the aisle and tried to face my camera on her asscrack but it was too many people for me to get a good shot
she was definitely showing here but I was moving too fast because there was too many people : (
when a customer asked for assistance on some shoes I saw her squatting and she showed was about 5 inches omfg
I moved from the area after a while so I wouldn’t look too suspicious, then I went to do my job again and then after 2 min I was going to make my way back but then my coworker told me to go another route to do something else…. THANKS A LOT COWORKER
old people ruin everything istg
mans — 12/10/2022 10:51 PM
Use something to block your phone. Get a thing of twizzlers to hit your screen.
Andrea Baalshow — 12/11/2022 1:31 AM
use a hidden camera in a little leather case, sony x1000 for example. very easy
Dr0gan — 12/11/2022 5:54 AM
sounds like a good idea if I was out somewhere, but I was at work here so there wasn’t much I can do
and plus there were people looking in my direction (I noticed it after) and I played it off somehow
but god I had to use the clothes I was carrying to cover my boner because of the 4-5 in of crack she showed lmao

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