Story321 Videos

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:01:15.731000+00:00

Samiamlast — 11/14/2023 12:45 AM I've always wished I could get ahold of a lot of women's thongs, but I never really liked the idea of stealing them. So eventually I just ended up straight up asking them of I could buy their panties through social media. Its worked pretty amazingly so far! I've bought a lot of random women's panties that I would have never been able to get otherwise.

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:01:22.701000+00:00

spinach — 03/11/2023 12:39 PM Im short sighted and need glasses, just left the house without them and of course 3 different girls had their cracks out 👍🏻 couldn’t see a thing. The price of being blind 😂 And on top of that, went out with my girl yesterday and some girl rode past on a bike with her crack out. Even my girlfriend mentioned it. Fuming

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:01:34.720000+00:00

whoregang — 03/17/2023 1:19 PM I've said this plenty of times: the only reason this fetish is considered weird is because of what buttcrack represents and is associated with: sloppy, messy, dirty, and ugly, sometimes fat. Women do not wanna be associated with any of those terms because of the negative connotation. (Which is why they hate being called fat/overweight even when they are) It's also dubbed plumbers crack because the actual job is disgusting and something that most people don't wanna do. This is why women are so self conscious about showing buttcrack in the 1st place, regardless of body type, body weight, and body conditions.This is also why they laugh at men who show their buttcrack. "wHeN hE gEt oUt tHe cAr aNd hIs bUtTcRaCk sHoWiNg 🤢🤮🤣". They don't respect those men.The only Women that can get away with showing buttcrack all the time are bad bitches with only fans. Their whole brand is "sexy ass bitch, i got ass and titties". They are the only ones where people will Universally encourage them to show buttcrack, among other attributes.

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:01:40.032000+00:00

Crackawake — 03/17/2023 7:16 PM It's weird though because in the Y2K phase showing off a thong was considered sexy. But prude haters called it trashy so the thong started going away but then crack came of it. I have seen a lot of articles back then about how crack was the new cleavage... I think crack was sometimes even shown on purpose. Why else would all of the popular girls happily showing their cracks... Slowly hate started building about crack and it was fueled by social media. Incel men and ugly middle aged Karens were offended by seeing cracks everywhere. They started taking photos posting them online and saying it was disgusting.

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:02:00.658000+00:00

lurker👀 — 03/18/2023 8:05 AM It'll probably happen againMost women just buy what's available, high rise is dying because even fat women don't like how it digs into their ribcage when they sit down There are lots of positive comments on low rise jeans when women actually buy them, it's just larping loud people online that disagreeMost of them say they hate low rise until they wear them, then they realise it's comfier to have risk of their ass out than being cut in half above their belly button

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:02:06.706000+00:00

NB — 03/18/2023 2:02 PM Many are choosing comfort now anyway, and their entire wardrobes are now highrise leggings, yoga pants and sweatpants. All dire for crack They can be worn by anyone and compress their guts without being uncomfortable whoregang — 03/18/2023 2:32 PM Which is why i don't like fat bitches as much. They are the ones that are supposed to be showing the most buttcrack, but because they stuff their overgrown FUPA's in their pants, it keeps the pants high above the waist and tight enough to not make the pants fall. So now, unless she gotta fat ass and wide hips, we can only rely on skinnier chicks

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:02:13.933000+00:00

Flangus — 03/22/2023 10:11 PM A brief rant: I love a good staged buttcrack video, I know its not everyone's thing but when the model nails it and manages to make it look realistic plus a little extra, it's my favorite. That being said, its amazing how many models are making tons of buttcrack videos yet completely miss the point of the fetish. For me, the unbuttoned jeans is the most egregious and common mistake, the lack of effort to get pants that really show crack is so lazy and makes me not want to buy the video. And what's wilder is some of these models have a billion videos like this. Do any of them sell? Who are they for? I dunno maybe some people like that but judging by my own adventures in this fetish, it seems otherwise. Why don't they get it? Anyway rant over haha Crackawake — 03/23/2023 1:43 PM Completely agree. For me It's the best when they make it look candid and do it in public. But they still always ruin. they pull their pants down before they squat. Or they look at the camera and look around. It's just so unrealistic. Idk why they can't figure it out... I'm sure some of them used to show crack back in the day naturally

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:02:23.419000+00:00

matthew crackman — 03/25/2023 10:18 PM Decided to go hunting for some crack at the mall. Sadly, although I did see PLENTY of girls wearing low rise jeans, I was unable to make a catch. Just didn’t have enough time to follow them around for hours. They are much more aware for sure then back in the day but we’ve all already gone over that I million times. Like I said last time I went looking, it’s at least good to see some girls are bringing the style back

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:02:29.087000+00:00

dro — 04/05/2023 5:32 PM bruh this chick sitting over in the area beside me and she's over here being SUPER hyperaware making SURE her butt crack doesn't show but she wearing high ass pants and a long shirt so it wasn't going to show anyway. that shit just pissed me off 😭 like she don't got nothing to worry about and this fat bitch keeps stealing my seat in class where I can see this girls crack even though I sat there first 🤦🏾‍♂️

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:02:34.554000+00:00

Bone Fisk — 04/12/2023 10:37 PM Oml I feel the need to rant i stg So, I was in line with my dad at a Costco return thingy, and this chick walks by, pants falling down, crack out and everything. I could not record, nor could I make an excuse to slip away, being as she was walking out of the store, and not into it. So I'm just standing there watching this amazing as fuck catch just walk away. I am slightly miffed at that lmao whoregang — 04/13/2023 12:26 AM Happened to me at a restaurant when i was in high school. I waited too long to tell my dad i left something in the car, by the time i got out there, she was just getting in her car.

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:09:02.692000+00:00

matthew crackman — 04/27/2023 7:14 PM I’m so hurt 🥲 I just walked by an aisle in Target and this super hot college-age girl was bending over in a sundress to pick up something off of the bottom shelf and for a legit second I saw her spread ass cheeks (she had on a thong but I could see her asshole a little). I’ve spent the last hour trying to get just one more glimpse on camera but she’s so hyper aware I have no shot 🥲

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:09:07.896000+00:00

matthew crackman — 05/08/2023 12:39 AM Unfortunately this is the story of the last few years of my life. I used to make insane catches every time I went out years ago but these days it’s ONLY when I’m with my gf or coworkers that I see crack. Life is funny sometimes. Jman248 — 05/23/2023 1:19 PM Same here, it pisses me off. I was on the bus yesterday with family and I saw this chubby SE Asian woman get on and she sat some rows in front of me and her pants were low so I knew her buttcrack would be showing when she sat down, and when I saw her get up to let the other person out I saw her buttcrack show. Im so frustrated because it was a perfect opportunity to record as I haven't seen buttcrack in ages and the one time I see one I have to be out with family so im unable to record without them finding out because they were sitting right next to me and it would too suspicious and I'd get in trouble with them finding out. Seems like I'm more likely to find buttcrack when I'm out with family compared to when I'm on my own when I can never find one and it's frustrating.

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:09:46.727000+00:00

PotatoMan096 — 06/08/2023 7:00 PM Also, if a girl never showed crack before but then all of a sudden starts showing it, what can you assume? xxbc7 — 06/08/2023 7:04 PM It's possible it could be on purpose. My bff has that happen. I assume she might have lost a bit of weight or she has jeans that she really likes. PotatoMan096 — 06/08/2023 7:10 PM Truee, for the girl I'm thinking of she did get new jeans she really liked and wears a lot 🤷🏻‍♂️ Never the type of girl to show crack and all of a sudden I see it, mainly in those jeans lol

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:09:52.357000+00:00

zz — 06/11/2023 4:14 AM I think it's on purpose. It's just like showing cleavage -- she is being playful. whoregang — 06/11/2023 3:39 PM It's possible she does it on purpose, but in some cases especially in my experience, some girls are just deadass oblivious. I've seen girls walk miles on a college campus with standing buttcrack but still try to pull their pants up. And because nobody says anything, they never adjust their pants or get fitting pants (which should be the case for EVERY WOMAN SHOWING BUTTCRACK). But as for as being on purpose, It's usually the case for older women that stop caring after a certain age. Or if they are very country or not very financially well off. Some women all of a sudden start showing crack when they gain weight and don't fit their clothes anymore. However, that's assuming the excess weight goes to their asses, because I've noticed most fat women don't show buttcrack simply because the excess weight goes to their backs and not their butts. Which is the stupidest shit ever. This is why i appreciate fat girls with big ass booties (as long as they never wear high waisted jeans).

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:09:59.568000+00:00

matthew crackman — 07/05/2023 12:09 AM I would have no reason to lie here 😅 I see low rise jeans just about every single day. I live near a college campus. I have no time to hunt but believe me, girls still wear these. Tons of thrift stores around campus. They get their low rise from those places. At least I’m pretty positive. I see low rise all the time. All. The. Time. I don’t see crack that often though, because like I said; “hyper aware.” CrackMesiah — 07/05/2023 8:50 AM So then you see a lot of mid rise, no amount of hyper awareness hides crack in low rise- even the picture above shows, if the girl sits with that BELT the tip of her crack will still come out. CrackMesiah — 07/05/2023 8:51 AM You are right about those thrift stores though, they’re the last thing we can call hope matthew crackman — 07/05/2023 3:12 PM No sir. I see low rise jeans all the time. Low rise. Idk how that’s so hard to believe? Low rise jeans are a polarizing thing. Lots of girls still wear them. Lots more don’t. I’d say 15%ish of girls I see around campus are wearing them on any given day. I don’t have the time to follow around hyper aware girls, hiding in the shadows waiting for them to bend over. I have a ridiculously busy lifestyle currently between school and work. That can take hours. You hunt right? You should know. Or if you don’t, this is all pointless anyway. matthew crackman — 07/05/2023 3:24 PM Yeah, the city I’m in, girls basically only thrift. Now, I will say that sometimes that means big baggy jeans too. It can go either way. But yes. I do see low rise a lot. Legit low rise. It shocked me when I first noticed it coming back but now it’s pretty typical. As soon as I have a break in my schedule, maybe a week off… or at least a few days.. Boy will I make some catches. Lol.

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:10:12.751000+00:00

Birdku solos — 07/15/2023 9:06 AM Welp. Today I saw some girl (probably in her 20s or sum) and when she squatted down... I could see it. Butthole and all.u could also see a bit of pussy but I was with my mom.2 secs later she pulls up her pants and running away realizing She mooned me.wish I captured that😭 NB — 07/15/2023 12:05 PM Hate to say it but I’m calling cap on this one Birdku solos — 07/15/2023 11:28 PM U have every right not to believe me it sound farfetched But ong this happened hellBey — 07/15/2023 11:37 PM Not really into whenever it shows the pussy or asshole Even so, sounds kinda bs

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:10:22.403000+00:00

bboymarcos — 07/24/2023 4:30 PM Damn I just missed out on this opportunity on a coworker squatting deeply to grab something from the bottom shelf. She was facing my direction and I saw her diagonally and noticed her shirt rode up and saw some skin showing. I’m sure she was showing at least a good 2 inches. Tried walking around her but she stood up fast and pulled her pants up as she was done doing her business. 🤦🏻‍♂️ She stood up literally as I was about to pass by behind her lol

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:10:27.865000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/02/2023 1:06 AM Happens too often.. Just happened to me again like an hour ago. I figured I’d stop by Target to look around real quick while I had 30 minutes to myself.. As I pull up, I watch a beautiful skinny young-20’s blonde come walking out with a crop top and the lowest rise jeans I’ve seen in a while 🥲 of course I got inside and there was nothing to be found. Except maybe some booty shorts pulled up into an ass or two. Aka the new butt crack.

Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:10:33.176000+00:00

matthew crackman — 08/20/2023 2:04 PM I really hope I can get out in the next few days to look around for some crack. I think I might have some free time through a lot of next week 🤞🏼 went to the mall and Target last night with the gf and saw enough low rise wearers out and about that it had me pretty fucked up 🥲 if I had been alone, it would’ve been a sure thing. Back to school time is definitely out there delivering.