Story from Discord: 2023-11-20T15:02:34.554000+00:00
Bone Fisk — 04/12/2023 10:37 PM
Oml I feel the need to rant i stg
So, I was in line with my dad at a Costco return thingy, and this chick walks by, pants falling down, crack out and everything. I could not record, nor could I make an excuse to slip away, being as she was walking out of the store, and not into it. So I’m just standing there watching this amazing as fuck catch just walk away. I am slightly miffed at that lmao
whoregang — 04/13/2023 12:26 AM
Happened to me at a restaurant when i was in high school. I waited too long to tell my dad i left something in the car, by the time i got out there, she was just getting in her car.